
mogreens inna di echochamber.
it was about time,you might say listening to this broadcast.
and yes,it felt like my long lost twinbrother brought his vinyls into my show.
it was really a pity he has to catch the last train home,cause we all were desperate to hear more of his amazing collection-selection.
so i guess,i have to invite this guy again into the echochamber,as i would say.
a wicked vibe and a catchy flow.
these are the cornerstones of this show.
and most of it’s coming from vinyl.
something that is happening not very often here 🙂 and it took place on the 01-09-11 (weltfriedenstag) .
this amazing set of guestselectors will be continued next week with ronny from das kraftfuttermischwerk
and i am looooooking forward for this experience.
check it out the very next thursday.
live 23h berlin dub time on
let there be dub,my fellow earthicans!